WHEREAS Northern Ontario residents and businesses experience a historic and significant shortage of DriveTest centres services;
WHEREAS DriveTest centres in Northern Ontario have been significantly understaffed and underfunded;
WHEREAS winter clinics are rarely scheduled during the winter months;
WHEREAS motor vehicles are the only means of transportation in many of the smaller, rural and isolated areas of Northern Ontario; and
WHEREAS DriveTest service shortages and disruptions gravely affect the lives of families, workers, seniors and students in Northern Ontario
THEREFORE WE, the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
- To call on the Ford government and the Minister of Transportation to expand DriveTest services, TravelPoints and clinics in Northern Ontario;
- To demand the Minister of Transportation and DriveTest to offer more hours and locations of service in Northern Ontario;
- To provide TravelPoint clinics all year-round, including the winter months; and
- To call on the Minister of Transportation to re-evaluate its assessment of services offered to Northern Ontario communities that has led to current cuts in services and staff shortages.